Worked through the whole of the body (a task which allows of interruptions, unlike programming, and there were a lot of interruptions all day). The fine but essential distinction between a quotation with a gloss, and a quotation with a parallel quotation from a published translation, exercised me a bit; the markup form I actually need for the latter (a <gloss>
tag containing <cit>
/ <q>
) is invalid, because <gloss>
is an inline-level element, so I had to resort to literal square brackets. But no matter. Everything works.
Set up the file for the final Vol 18 text, completed the headers, marked up the first para, turned the biblio into comments and marked up the first entry (to make the file valid), and then went through the word-processor file in OpenOffice, doing a set of search-and-replace operations that are designed to reduce the markup workload later by introducing any tags that can be done in this way. This was especially useful in this text, because it mentions dozens of short-story titles that can be tagged based on their quote marks (although many quotes were reversed).
JT forwarded two corrections from the author, and I noticed one missing rendering tag for an ellipsis. All entered, and uploaded.
Churned through the bibliography. One more article to go...
Making a bit of a push to get through the last two articles for vol 18 now, I worked through all of the Olason text, leaving only the bibliography. After that is one more article, then we can start building the volume.
...before the network was disconnected for reno changes.
There are two more articles to prepare for vol 18; the first is Olason, which I've set up, completing the headers, framework, and first paragraph, and adding commented-out biblio items and one complete <biblStruct>
(to make the file valid).
Added the drama markup handlers. Seems to be working OK so far. The slight oddity is the "inline" <p>
tag in the XML, which comes after the speaker and stage directions, but mustn't generate any breaks unless it has a preceding-sibling <p>
Finished the rest of the markup, and also standardized the markup of stage directions using the <stage>
tag. Here's a full example of this markup:
<cit rend="block"> <q> <sp><speaker>HJALMAR</speaker> <p>Jeg vil vide, om—dit barn har ret til at leve under mit tag.</p></sp> <sp><speaker>GINA</speaker><stage type="delivery">(retter sig ivejret; øjnene lyner).</stage> <p>Og det spør du om!</p></sp> <sp><speaker>HJALMAR</speaker> <p>Du skal svare mig på dette ene: Hører Hedvig mig til—eller —? Nå!</p></sp> <sp><speaker>GINA</speaker><stage type="delivery">(ser på ham med kold trods).</stage> <p>Jeg véd ikke.</p></sp> <sp><speaker>HJALMAR</speaker><stage type="delivery">(dirrer let).</stage> <p>Du véd det ikke!</p></sp> <sp><speaker>GINA</speaker> <p>Hvor kan jeg vide det? En slig en, som <emph>jeg</emph> er—</p></sp> </q> <bibl>247</bibl> </cit>
The speaker tag will be supplied with a colon in the output; the stage directions will be italicized; and the contents of <p>
tags will be rendered directly. I'll move on to the XSLT and FO tomorrow.
The Durbach article contains quotations from dramatic texts, so it requires that we figure out the best way to encode and render them. There's also an upcoming publication of a standalone text consisting of a translation of a drama, so the need is not just localized to one article. Our existing DTD allows this:
<cit rend="block"> <q><sp><speaker>[SPEAKER NAME]</speaker><p>[Text of speech]</p></sp></q> </cit>
for a quoted extract, and the <sp>
tag and children as a direct child of <div0>
, so the markup itself should not be problematic. Rendering will require that we catch the <sp>
tag and process <speaker>
and then any following-sibling <p>
tags explicitly in a hanging-indent block; below <speaker>
and <p>
, normal templates can be applied. This shouldn't take as long to code as I had feared.