The filmography was straightforward except for a single example where normal processing had to be overridden in a title; I've now set up a system in XSLT and CSS whereby <hi rend="normal">
can be used to reset a font to non-italic, non-bold, non-underline.
Finished the Bunch main text (not the biblio, yet). Many outstanding questions on this one yet -- waiting to hear back from JT.
Marked up the first few pages of Bunch, and did some automated markup in the WP version to save time.
Set up file, added metadata, encoded abstract, included commented biblio elements and marked up one in each list (there are two, the second being a filmography), and finally made some convenience changes to the source wp document, such as moving endnotes inline.
That's four done for volume 19 (Christensen, Blackwell, Lindqvist and Rees), and four to go (Bunch, Lunde, Smith, and Thorsen). Still waiting on confirmation of a couple of issues on Rees from JT.
About a third of the way through the Rees biblio. Only three discrete types of document so far, which is unusual.
Did the first few biblio items in Rees, and annotated two of them for the documentation on the blog. Also fixed a bug whereby proofing documents were accessible through the search interface, even though they weren't showing up on the main TOCs.
Below is a list of various common types of bibliography item, and how they're captured in <biblStruct>
elements in the back matter of the document. As always, actual markup practices represent a compromise between the desire to mark things up accurately and usefully, and the requirement to produce rendered output which conforms with the expectations of authors and editors. The former imposes consistency, but the latter often requires that we violate or override that consistency because of personal style preferences. Therefore you will find kludges in the markup of some items, especially unusual items.
A common fallback where a kludge is required is to use the <note>
element right at the end of <biblStruct>
(as its last child). The entire contents of such a <note>
tag are rendered out at the end of the entry.
Within a single bibliography list, items are ordered by hand (by the original author and editor); the original order is preserved in the XML, and no automated sorting takes place during rendering. It has proved impractical to sort biblio items in XQuery or XSLT, because they are so idiosyncratic.
- Book:
<biblStruct> <monogr> <author><name reg="Berggren, Henrik">Henrik Berggren</name></author> <author><name reg="Trägårdh, Lars">Lars Trägårdh</name></author> <title level="m">Är svensken människa? Gemenskap och oberoende i det moderna Sverige</title> <imprint> <pubPlace>Stockholm</pubPlace> <publisher>Nordstedts</publisher> <date value="2006">2006</date> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
Note that the regularized form of the name (last, first) must always be supplied along with the normal form, so that the rendering code can use whichever is appropriate in the circumstances (so the reg form is used for the first author, and the normal form for the second, in this case). In the case of "et al.", just add the phrase "et al." to the end of the last author's (or editor's) name inside the tag (the actual name is recoverable mechanically from the @reg attribute, so this kludge is not too destructive).
The date element has both@value
(a constrained value asyyyy[-mm[-dd]]
), as well as textual content; normally, they're identical, but in a case where the same author has multiple publications in the same year, the text content is used to show "1999a", "1999b" etc. The text content will be used when rendering, but the@value
is available for mechanical processing if this is required in the future. -
Book with a translator:
<biblStruct> <monogr> <author><name reg="Nietzsche, Friedrich">Friedrich Nietzsche</name></author> <respStmt> <resp>Trans.</resp> <name reg="Smith, Douglas">Douglas Smith</name> </respStmt> <title level="m">The Birth of the Tragedy</title> <imprint> <date value="2000">2000</date> <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace> <publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
Note that the<respStmt>
tag can be used for other similar purposes (illustrator, etc.). If there are multiple translators, use multiple name tags in the same<respStmt>
. - Book in a series:
<biblStruct> <analytic> <author><name reg="Sundholm, John">John Sundholm</name></author> <title level="a">Juha</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title level="m">The Cinema of Scandinavia</title> <title level="s">24 Frames</title> <editor><name reg="Soila, Tytti">Tytti Soila</name></editor> <imprint> <publisher>Wallflower Press</publisher> <pubPlace>London</pubPlace> <biblScope type="pages">214-222</biblScope> <date value="2005">2005</date> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
- Chapter in a book:
<biblStruct> <analytic> <author><name reg="Bibby, Michael">Michael Bibby</name></author> <title level="a">Atrocity Exhibitions: Joy Division, Factory Records, and Goth</title> </analytic> <monogr> <editor><name reg="Goodlad, Lauren M.E.">Lauren M.E. Goodlad</name></editor> <editor><name reg="Bibby, Michael">Michael Bibby</name></editor> <title level="m">Goth: Undead Subculture</title> <imprint> <publisher>Duke University Press</publisher> <pubPlace>Durham, NC</pubPlace> <date value="2007">2007</date> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
Two things to note: titles are at two levels ("a" for the chapter -- analytical -- and "m" for the containing book -- monograph); and periods are not supplied at the end of titles. These will be supplied automatically during rendering, if they are required in the output. Other types of punctuation such as question marks should be supplied at the end of titles. - Journal article:
<biblStruct> <analytic> <author><name reg="Knutsson, Johannes">Johannes Knutsson</name></author> <author><name reg="Strype, Jon">Jon Strype</name></author> <title level="a">Police Use of Firearms in Norway and Sweden: The Signficance of Gun Availability</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title level="j">Policing & Society</title> <imprint> <biblScope type="vol">13 (4)</biblScope> <biblScope type="pages">429-39</biblScope> <date value="2003">2003</date> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
Note the inclusion of the page numbers. Page numbers for book chapters (above) can be included in the same way. - Newspaper article:
<biblStruct> <analytic> <author><name reg="Felperin, Leslie">Leslie Felperin</name></author> <title level="a">Joachim Trier: 10 Directors to Watch</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title level="j">Variety</title> <imprint> <biblScope type="vol">17 January</biblScope> <date value="2007">2007</date> </imprint> </monogr> <note><xptr to="" crdate="2009-12-31"/></note> </biblStruct>
Note: this also shows the use of the<note>
element with an<xptr>
to give the URL of the article online. - Online article:
<biblStruct> <analytic> <author><name reg="Harsin, Jason">Jason Harsin</name></author> <title level="a">Von Trier’s Brechtian Gamble</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title level="j">Bright Lights Film Journal</title> <imprint> <biblScope type="vol">51</biblScope> <date value="2006">2006</date> </imprint> </monogr> <note><xptr to="" crdate="2009-09-23"/>.</note> </biblStruct>
- Monograph listed by name rather than author:
<biblStruct> <monogr> <title level="m"><name>Norsk film i møte med kinopublikum: Analyse av kinobesøket på norske filmer 2003-2006</name></title> <imprint> <date value="2007">2007</date> <pubPlace>Oslo</pubPlace> <publisher>Norwegian Film Institute</publisher> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
Note: there is no<author>
element, but the<title>
element contains a<name>
element, which tells the processing system that this is the name which should lead off the entry. - Cinema film:
<biblStruct> <monogr> <author><name reg="Trier, Lars von">Lars von Trier</name></author> <title level="m">Riget <hi rend="normal">(part I)</hi></title> <imprint> <date value="1994">1994</date> <pubPlace>Copenhagen</pubPlace> <publisher>Zentropa</publisher> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
No date
If there is no known or available date for an item, simply do this:
Overriding styles
Sometimes, the requirements of rendering are in conflict with the semantics of TEI markup, and some nudging is required in order to get the output you want. An example would be a monograph title which should be in italics, but for some reason, part of it needs to be rendered in normal style. This can be achieved using the following tag:
<hi rend="normal">This text will be undecorated, non-italic, and non-bold.</hi>
Finished the body of the Rees document; only the biblio remains (which will mean a lot of documentation/examples for the blog).
Completed Rees up to p.26, added more documentation, and split out several of the documentation topics into separate posts. Also added the page references into the XML for the now-printed volume 18, and re-uploaded those documents to the site. They're still in the Proofing section at JT's request, but will be moved to the main section once the volume has been distributed.