Added S's bio and a correction from GM.
I think the existing reviews are now done.
Minor changes to Mussari, May, Poole and Dingley, resulting from author and editor proofing.
One question plus long bio still outstanding.
Last of the reviews waiting to be done. Still have a question about quotes outstanding for May and Dingley.
Next review is done. One question outstanding with HT and JT about styling of chapter titles.
Entered author's proofing corrections and swapped some em dashes for other punctuation.
Third review is marked up and ready for proofing. One more waiting, but I don't have a bio for the author yet. Also entered author's proofing correction in the Mussari text.
The second review is done and posted for proofing.
First of the volume 20 documents. I have three reviews altogether so far; two to go. No articles yet.