Vol 19 is to be published as a book, and has to be completely reformatted to produce the camera-ready copy for the publisher. These are the basic requirements:
Left and Right margins = 2”
Top margin = 1.5”
Bottom margin = 2.25”
Footer = 2” [Page number centered at the bottom]
Line spacing = 16 pt. exactly
Space after = 6 pt.
Font size= Times New Roman 12 pt.
Footnotes= Times New Roman 10 pt.
Text alignment = Justified, including footnotes, endnotes, bibliography
I've made considerable progress with this:
- Made fresh copies of the XML source, XSLT transformation, and other ancillary files for this particular rendering, because all of them may need to be edited to fit the new layout.
- Changed all units from cm to in, because the publisher is US and uses imperial.
- Changed all page sizes, margins, borders, spaces etc. to conform with the publisher's requirements.
- Changed most font sizes to accommodate the shift from a para-level font size of 10pt to 12pt.
- Changed almost all Gentium fonts to Times (keeping Gentium for e.g. Greek and IPA).
The resulting volume is over 800 pages, but there are still lots of problems:
- The normal page content area seems too small (or perhaps widow/orphan settings are causing whole paragraphs to be shifted to the next page wrongly).
- Either the running titles are too high up, or the space between the running title and the head of the page is too big.
- The page numbers are still showing at the top of the page; I need to move them to the footer.
- Once pages are all stable, all the images will need to be re-positioned for optimal text flow.