This was a long and complicated one; the Schematron is doing a lot to catch errors, though. 120 minutes.
Encoded the Gerpla bibliography. The only problem is with some Japanese text, which if it needs to be included will need some work to pick out a font that matches and subset it. That may not be worth the trouble for a small section of Japanese that is not likely to be readable by our audience. Waiting for feedback from editors. 120 minutes.
This gets one task off the plate. Next is finishing the large bibliography. 60 minutes.
Did the next batch of corrections on HK article, and tweaked two Schematron rules, which resulted in hundreds of corrections for en dashes between page ranges across the whole collection. Results published. 120 minutes.
Got the final corrections to BB's article done, and some tweaks to others; more stuff came in, and my TODOs have now been checked and re-organized. 60 minutes.
3 vol 27 reviews have their latest corrections.
The situation with validation of the various documents over the years has become complicated, so I've refactored it, so that documents from volumes 19 and below are validated only against the RNG schema (and all are valid), while those from 20 and above are validated against both the Schematron and the RNG schema. This involved quite a few fixes to many documents, but they were mainly minor (straight apostrophes to curly, rewriting biblStructs as bibls) with no impact on output. Other changes that do affect output included non-substantive (fixes to page-ranges to conform with Chicago; removing spaces around em dashes; etc.) and substantive (changing US to Canadian spelling). For substantive changes, I've added the appropriate revision elements, so the site will document them. I've also entered corrections to three articles and rebuilt the site, as well as working through the TODO folder so I know where to go from here.
Master volume documents are also now valid, so validating the whole collection is straightforward.
Entered corrections for two articles, and built and uploaded them; did a little more work on the Schematron; had some correspondence with both editors.
Tagged a vol 27 article and another vol 27 review, bringing me up to date with all outstanding vol 27 stuff. That will let me concentrate on vol 26 for a little while.
JN is moving forward with vol 14 quite quickly; I've built and rebuilt the PDFs for her to proof with, and fixed a couple of issues. I've also entered corrections for two articles and tagged three fresh reviews, two of which are up for proofing, while the third waits on a question to HT about bibliography vs inline refs.