Exhausting set of corrections for the Osborne text, with some questions still outstanding; one issue involved th loss of spaces in listBibl/bibl entries, which proved to be caused by the use of Xalan on the server (so it didn't show up on local builds, where I use Saxon). I edited the sitemap.xmap file for ScanCan so that it calls Saxon instead of the default "xslt" (=xalan), and the problem seems to be solved.
Two reviews by Lingard never made it to me. Now encoded and up for proofing.
I've added a new textClass value (article-themed) which allows for a themed subsection in the print volume, and implemented the code. The first PDF build is now with the editors for checking.
Finished encoding the last article (an interview). Now onto the "special sections" functionality for the book.
Some tweaking required for an overlong abstract; waiting for confirmation from HT on that. Jakobsson looks good; started encoding the last article (JT's interview with YS). Nearly there...
Organized huge set of incoming stuff from while I was away; finished encoding Enstrom and added some fixes from NVD; did the biblio, abstract and first third of Jakobsson; and did a bunch of proofing corrections on other docs.
Encoded a new review from NVD, and in the process updated the rendering code so that bibl can be used in place of biblStruct for reviewed books.
This was the most complicated article I've done so far, with a huge biblio (now using bibl rather than biblStruct, which will speed future articles), as well as lots of mentioned, quotes, foreign terms, etc. and a big table.
The Osborne article has a HUGE bibliography, so I completed my code for rendering bibls instead of biblStructs, and created a Transformer sequence that really helps mark up bibls rapidly. Marked up the bibliography and tested -- all working. Did a couple of the paras in the document. This is long, so it will take a while, but the availability of bibl in place of biblStruct will save a lot of time in future.
Final corrections to this one.