... for Kott review now done, review is published.
I've been concerned for a while that, although I do generate both P5 and PDF versions of all articles and reviews and store them in svn as a matter of course, I'm not able to do that for XHTML versions; and in addition, the structure of the ancient site, based as it is on query strings containing ids, is not friendly to archiving tools. I've now started creating a static XHTML build process which will hopefully result in archivable versions of the web pages and a better URL structure (which should presumably be integrated into the old webapp in the medium term, so that archiver URLs are rewritten). Ultimately, we want to have a rich static archive we can pass on to any future editor at another institution.
Encoded (at home this morning), but with some questions outstanding with editors. P5 and PDF versions not yet generated because I have no XEP here.
I think we're done with this one now.
I think we're now up to date with articles. Still trying to work out an editorial workflow for annotating PDFs...
XPath and regex fest to find a sets of examples from our documents to illustrate style rules for the contributor notes. I think it now has enough good examples.
At HT's request, added a new pic and caption to Sayers article.
Encoded a new review received from NVD, and added it to the repo; haven't created transformed versions or uploaded to the site yet.
Fixes done at reviewer's request, change element given @n to ensure the changes are logged in the corrigenda page.
Per discussion with HT a couple of weeks ago, added a background watermark image to articles and reviews which have not yet been published. Easy for the XHTML, but a little trickier for the PDF; took a while to figure out where to add it (fo:region-body in all fo:simple-page-masters), and how exactly to set it up (using custom rx:background-content-width attribute to specify the width in inches, since it's an SVG image).