These were quite extensive and detailed, and also involved adding some handling for subscripting to be used in chemical formulas (CO2).
Some abstracts were a little long, and they were a bit inconsistent in style; HT has tweaked most of them, and I entered those tweaks and rebuild everything.
To make it easier and more reliable to track the progress of work on a volume, I've written a simple diagnostic that produces a report on all outstanding work on the volume documents.
Vol 27 review encoded and posted for proofing.
Did the combined HT/JA corrections for the Allen article, and also addressed a long-standing issue with validation of subsets of the documents: adding @xml:base to the TEI.2 element in the RelaxNG allows validation of the master volume document, comprising all the sub-documents, which is easier to manage when you make a global schema or schematron change that should be applied to all the current articles. This will speed the process of standardization. Also implemented some decisions arising out of the Teitelbaum corrections.
The corrections in the Teitelbaum article provided lots of opportunities for Schematron rules, and those in turn generated other corrections to vol 25 articles, all now done. There are some questions still outstanding with HT and the author.
Did HT's corrections, and added new Schematron to catch bibliography styling problems.
We now have a clearer policy on ellipses, and I've embedded it in the Schematron and fixed some errors resulting.
Complicated integration of two sets of corrections; took a while.
That's the last one that was in the pipeline for vol 27 so far.