Got the chart working, which was easier once I switched to separate versions of Chart.js and moment.js; tweaked it a little, learning some useful stuff about how it works. Then wrote some progress tracking calculations into the same section of the diagnostics, including end-date prediction. That's it for progress tracking for now.
At AC's request, added a new diagnostic to catch instances where no authors have been specified for a poem, but neither unsigned nor anonymous has been selected either. Also continued hacking at the chart functionality, but it seems that there's a commonly-encountered issues when trying to get the ChartJS bundle to work, so I'm going to switch to using the separate moment.js instead.
Chart.js code is now being imported and used, and data is being generated in a form that should enable the production of a chart, which already appears but is broken because of an issue with date parsing. From here it's bugfixing.
Fixed the remnants of a conflict in a file committed by KB. Combined the two files with the two parts of Lamia into one, because KB has been linking to a single file that doesn't exist, and it's not horribly big. Added four new images to the gallery.
Credits for proofers are now included in the output where they're available in the XML as respStmts. There is XSLT which can harvest most proofer info automatically from the HOCR, so with the exception of about 500 pages, where the proofer is only known personally to DH, that info can be added as collections are completed, and will appear on the site.
Still have to figure out the best way to build a chart from them.
I have the contributor names showing up in the debate-day pages, but I can't build the site because team.html is broken. Waiting for DH to fix it.
Attacking some of the issues in the diagnostics output.
Met with DH, and did the first half of ticket 37: I now have XSLT that can semi-reliably harvest user info from HOCR files and create respStmt elements in the TEI. I still have to figure out how to output that information in the HTML. catch unwanted quotes or punctuation.