The whole site is now in French.
Finished updating the Encodage page, and also integrated new translations of the Schema and Instructions pages from France. The whole site is now in French with the exception of the Text Analysis page (which is pretty short).
I'm working through the new translation of the encodage page, looking for changes from the old, so that I can port them into the markup. Got most of the way through it today, but then got sidetracked by other pressing stuff, unfortunately.
Added France's new translation of the Credits page, and also changed the menu item to "Équipe" to match the title of the page. I moved Eric's name to the bottom of the list; I think it's fair to say that both Greg and I have done more on the project at this stage, and also the original schemas he built that got us started have been superceded now by new ones I generated through Roma, and adopted from the Image Markup Tool customizations.
Working on the Encodage file, I noticed a problem we have to solve. In French, it is customary to leave a space before various punctuation marks, such as colons. When text is wrapped, this can result in the colon being wrapped to the next line, which is clearly wrong. The W3C recommends using non-breaking space characters instead of spaces in this context, but that's too much to ask of people producing content. However, we can use a the fn:replace()
function in XPath 2/XSLT 2.0 to insert the non-breaking spaces automatically. We just need a list of all contexts in which this space can occur.
France sent me an updated Encodage file with the changes highlighted (thanks!). Merged those into markup.xml
We now have three "themes" for the site, which have been christened "Dijon" (a mustardy theme based on the default Ubuntu theme), "Roussillon" (similar but more gold/yellow in hue) and "Versailles" (the original based on muted blues and mauves). Claire prefers the Dijon, so we've made that the default.
We've also restructured the CSS on the site in preparation for a user-friendly style-switching page. Each page has a base CSS file which is one of:
Text documents from the collection supplement this with one more file:
This file adds special formatting for the text documents (stanzas, paragraphs, titles etc.).
Image markup documents have three supplementary files, one for each style:
Styleswitching in these files will have to switch both the base file and the supplementary file.
Greg is now working on the CSS. I've already constructed the imt_p5_1_dijon.css
file, and the imt_p5_1_versailles.css
file is the original version, so it's done; however, imt_p5_1_roussillon.css
will have to be configured correctly (basically a matter of switching some colours) before we start working on the style switching mechanism.
We envisage a page where you choose a style, which then sets a cookie and establishes a session variable. The session variable value can be passed into the various transformations and be used to set the default stylesheet.
The file validated just fine, so I uploaded it, but I noticed that since the note was placed after the end of the line-group, it didn't appear next to the word "confrèrie", which is where I assume it should go. I moved the note into the <l>
tag, immediately after "confrèrie", and the note now seems to appear in the right place. Let me know if this isn't what you want.
At the same time, I noticed that the stanzas were not separated by any space, so I've added a bottom margin to stanzas in the XHTML display. Again, if this looks wrong, let me know. I'm assuming that when there are stanzas in the markup, it's because there's a physical separation between the line-groups on the page.