CC supplied a list of truncated / normalized titles, so I've added those to the files; the TOC page looks much better now. There are still one or two titles which are not too long, but which have traditional capitalization rather than sentence case. I can do those off my own bat when I get a chance.
Set up Helena to work on the two images we've prepared so far, using the Image Markup Tool. She's doing text transcription first; then we'll go back and look at the tagging (paragraphs, linebreaks, line groups etc.), and after that she'll move on to the other transcription categories. She's working on local copies on the lab machine, pending sysadmin's adding her netlink id to the mariage group.
Hi Martin,
I did some changes on a few document most of them are typos:
"argent fait tout" called balance in the Image markup tool
Bourse offerte par la père à la mère
change for le père
Le coffre à trésor
change for au trésor
présage malheureux called agressur in the image markup tool:
change the title présage malheurex for malheureux
These are the basic instructions for wildcard searching in the Mariage Recherche page. They need to be translated into French.
When searching for individual words (n'importe quel mot, tous ces mots), you can use wildcards in your search. ? (a question mark) matches zero or one character, and * (an asterisk) matches zero or more characters. Thus "mar?" would match both "mari" and "mary", while "mar*" would match "mari", "mary", "marié" and "mariée". You can't use wildcard searches in the "phrase exact" search, because it is searching for an exact phrase.
Cleaned up and cropped the two new images for which we have metadata; tweaked the IMT files; created the thumbnails in PhotoShop; created the 800px versions; and then uploaded the resulting files to the working folder on the SAN, and the image files to various locations in the site structure. We're now ready for Helena to start marking up those images.
Met with Claire, France and Helena to arrange time on computers, plans for the work, etc. I have one task out of this: I need to write a simple description of the wildcard functionality in the search, for translation into French and inclusion on the Recherche page.
CC sent metadata for two of the new files, so I updated the IMT XML files and passed the images on to Greg for cleaning up. When that's done, and he's created thumbnails, I'll move the XML files and the new images into the active folder, then create the Web View graphic using IMT, and post them on the server account for France to work on.
The new batch of scans (39) will need to be marked up, and the first stage is creating IMT files for each of them. That's done; each one is waiting for further metadata from CC before it can go into the pipeline for the markup process.
Two CDs of new images arrived from the BN. Copied them to my HD so they'll get backed up, and renamed two files which have parentheses in them. Went through the images -- two seem like mistakes, but the others are fine, and look better than the last batch. Discussed how we'll get them started; Greg or I will go through and clean up the backgrounds, then we'll generate the thumbnails; meanwhile, Claire will supply titles. After that, I'll set up the IMT files for each image, with a title, and generate the wv_ 800px files for the website using the IMT. After that, I'll put all the images and files on the server where France can find them, and she can start marking up the text areas on the images.