I deleted the following references from references.xml and from sonnet_1621.xml:
Saint Autel
Prince inhumain
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I deleted the following references from references.xml and from sonnet_1621.xml:
Saint Autel
Prince inhumain
Sent a long email to all three about the reference file. Only a five still missing, from my count.
Besides trying to chase them down, my "chasse aux documents" has changed a bit, with things to transcribe at all three libraries. Photography may be possible at the Bnf (only), but that is always decided by individual librarians when the book is in hand. So, by library:
Mazarine: Remainder of "A une femme mariée" in the Cabinet Satyrique. I may well be able to find a later edition or editions so that Martin would have the long dreamed-of hundred lines of verse to compare.
Bnf: Leanna reminded me that we're missing the last pages of Sonnet 1621. I'll also go after the "Brief discours sur la réformation des mariages", 16pp. in one of those 19th-c. editions ("Variétés historiques"). I've long wanted to include it as an exemplary 1614 mixed verse and prose text.
I would love to be able to photograph the "petit roman" "L'épouse fugitive" which I found several years ago at the Bnf, and which they refuse to digitize for us for the usual reason: binding too fragile. Any work on this text could be saved for a future time when I or we have time to mess with it. I won't try to transcribe it, so if they won't let me photograph it, I'll abandon it for the foreseeable future.
Last but not least, at the Arsenal, the 7th and 8th (final) parts of "Les Agréements et les chagrins du mariage." I think they will digitize the missing Parts 3 and 4, but they've already told me the binding on this volume is too fragile. It's 180 small pages with large print. This is really the final touch to the polemical part of the anthology, so I hate to give up on it.
Some guidelines for creating the xml:id attributes for reference items:
that will cause the item to be sorted in the right place in alphabetical order on the References page. For instance, if your entry is about "Saint Autel", you want the item to sort under "Autel", not "Saint", so the xml:id
should begin with "autel".//item[ends-with(@xml:id, 'Saint')]
.My work for the last couple of weeks has consisted of checking, fixing and completing old references as well as adding new ones. I have also been working on changing some of the xml ids for the references so that they will alphabetize correctly. Today, I have a few questions for CC:
1) Where the poet says "Sainct Autel" (in line 129 of sonnet_1621.xml and p. 4 on the pdf) is he referring to the "Pinde Sacré"? I assumed that he was so at the moment, I have "Sainct Autel" linked to the definition of "Pinde Sacré." Please let me know whether or not this is correct.
2) In line 141 of sonnet_1621.xml (p.5 on the pdf), there is a reference made to a "Prince inhumain." Do you know which character the poet is referring to?
3) Just a reminder to contact BNF to find the missing last 20 pages of sonnet 1621.
Thank you!
A couple of changes based on feedback from CC, and some things I noticed:
"historienTranquillus" to "suetone" to match the title. Made the corresponding change to the <ref>
tag in varin.xml
tag reads "Saint Pierre" and its xml:id
is "pierreSaint", for consistency with other saintly references. Made a corresponding change in complaintes.xml
item in the entry for Hypermnestre, which was pointing at the Petit Robert entry for "Égyptos en gr. Aiguptos". <quote>
tag was enclosing a series of block-level elements (meaning that the quotation was a blockquote containing multiple list items, paragraphs, etc.). The normal handling for quotes doesn't deal with this properly; it causes invalid XHTML. Rewrote the XSLT to detect this situation and avoid spitting out an XHTML <q>
tag in this context; to do this I had to add type="block"
to the <quote>
tag, in order to detect this situation. I'm now emitting hard-coded guillemets at the beginning and end of a blockquote, which is not what we want, but it's a reasonable stop-gap. I need to consult the team on this.<list type="numbered">
instances to <list type="ordered">
, which is our convention.Checked the wonderful references file and wrote to Martin with intro text and other queries. I plan to work on the missing references this week, including the list Lauren sent me in May from the Varin text.
I will also return to the Service de reproduction at the Bnf to see what in the world they have done about our last ten missing engravings. In May, I was promised that this would be taken care of.
After those tasks are accomplished, I will return to the Bibliothèque Mazarine to gather missing bits of the Cabinet Satyrique and one more short polemical text, the "Brief discours pour la réformation des mariages.
Found the reference pointing at "libie" in the 1621 Sonnet, and changed both it and the reference file entry to "libye". Uploaded all the latest changes, and checked that the link works. Had to get Greg to restart the server and re-index the references after an eXist stumble. This is getting tiresome...
The references are getting there, slowly but surely; however, I am writing myself a list now of things I need to do next week in order to really finish them:
... I feel like I had more questions that this.
At the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal I was able, with a librarian's help, to order the missing part of the "Agréments et chagrins du mariage". We have parts 1, 2, 5 and 6 in hand; I have ordered parts 3, 4, 7 and 8. Now that they are being sent by email, we should have them at the end of November or beginning of December.
There will be about 800 pages to mark up, so lots of work for Lauren and Leanna into next term if they wish. I see this text as an excellent chronological end point for the current phase of the project, as it was published between 1692 and 1697 and takes up most of the themes treated in the earlier polemical literature. Quite different from the "petits romans"...
Greg followed my instructions below, and also figured out how to get the JNLP file working; we've now revised those instructions to include more steps. The result works fine for Mariage, with the single exception of the missing <exist:match>
tags, which are needed for the search to work properly. I'm still working on that, but at the very least I can work around it using other methods which are a bit slower, but which could be compensated for by adding lots of handy indexes. We're getting somewhere at last!