Working on the varin.xml, I discovered a problem when trying to use <cit type="blockquote"><quote type="noMarks">
. Although the document validated, it caused an error when trying to view the XSLT. The error was related to XML lines 3218 to 3226 (/TEI/text[1]/body[1]/div[35]/p[4]/cit[1]/quote[1]). I tried to fix the error by changing <cit type="blockquote" rend="margin: 0"><quote type="noMarks"><foreign xml:lang="la">
to simply <cit type="blockquote"><quote><foreign xml:lang="la">
, however, this displayed "guillemets" around the quoted text. I ended up having to use <cit type="blockquote" rend="margin: 0"><quote type="italics"><foreign xml:lang="la">
to fix the error and make the text display properly without "guillemets" and only in italics.
MH will probably need to do some more tweaking of block quote handlers.
Investigation by MH
I think this issue arises out of a basic misunderstanding. The handling for blockquotes depends on <cit type="block">
, NOT type="blockquote"
. If you use <cit type="block">
, then no quotes (guillemets) will be applied anyway; by default, blockquotes do not have quotation marks. In fact, the @type
attribute on the <quote>
element is ignored in the case of <cit type="block">
So if the objective is to have an italicized blockquote, with the italicization due to its being in a foreign language, you can do this:
<cit type="block" rend="margin: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><quote><foreign xml:lang="la"> I’ay pour le dot beaucoup d’argent receu,<lb/> Et mon pouuoir ce faiſant i’ay vendu.</foreign></quote></cit>
There are 24 instances of the erroneous cit type="blockquote" in the following documents: forest_nuptiale,
sonnet_1609, and varin. There are 14 instances of the correct formulation, <cit type="block">
, which occur in sonnet_1609 and varin. I think we need to look at all the erroneous ones and fix them, making any other adjustments required to make them display properly.