Getting used to using an svn repository. Exported the site from eXist using the jnlp client, put the contents in the trunk folder on local drive, cleaned out extraneous files (__comment__), added to repository.
The francotoile SVN repository is at
The data folder (for francotoileeditors) is at
Greg created a francotoileeditors group with CC and ES as members, they have rw access to the data folder, but no access beyond that.
To create a copy of the data folder on local drive (instructions for a Mac)
- start : Terminal in Applications/Utilities
- type : cd Documents
- press : enter key (to move to the Documents directory)
- type : mkdir FrancotoileData
- press : enter key (to make a folder called "FrancotoileData" in the Documents folder)
- type : cd FrancotoileData
- press : enter key (to move to the FrancotoileData folder)
- type : svn checkout . (note the space and period at the end, those are critical)
- press : enter key (that will make a copy of the data folder on the server to the FrancotoileData folder on your computer and set up the version control system
You're now ready to edit the files on your local computer just as you would normally.
At end of each session :
- click : on the icon for the running Terminal application or start Terminal and cd to your data folder
- type : svn commit -m "brief description of what you did here"
- press : enter key (to synchronize files on the server with those from your computer)
- quit Terminal
At start of each session (other than the very first when you checkedout the repository) :
- start : Terminal in Applications/Utilities
- type : cd Documents/FrancotoileData (or whatever you called your data folder)
- press : enter key (to move to your data folder)
- type : svn update
- press : enter key (to synchronize files on your computer from those on the server)