Include cleaned-up plain text with hyperlinks of transcript of whole file. [Done Feb 3]
Currently there are no sub-collections, so have the Watch button call browse.php with a collection argument so that it goes straight to the list of videos. [Done Jan 31]
Include persTrait@description element and age element in the GUI (possibly between tabs and transcript) [Done Jan 31]
Age categories as follows: 0-9, 10-14, 15-18, 19-25, 26-39, 40-54, 55-64, 65+. I'll see if I can write code to work out from the age in the data file which category to use.
Use residence as current location.
Use nationality as place of origin.
Rename .mov files with appropriate code.
Task completed 31 January 2007
Discussed how to handle age location and place of origin features and modifications to GUI.
Task posting arising from disucssion to follow.
We decided to
- include element to contain reference to movie file
- include a persTrait@stageInLife. Possible values to be determined by Catherine and Marie-Claude.
- add a new persTrait@origin to contain the subject's origin. Possible values to be determined by Catherine and Marie-Claude after a discussion on appropriate granularity (e.g. "Canada" vs "Quebec, Canada" or "New Brunswick, Canada" or "Manitoba, Canada")
- the "residence" element will be used to populate the "location" control in the GUI.
GUI problems:
In Firefox the minimum size for the transcript box is too wide.
In Safari, as above + the four tabs appear at the top of the box to the right of the transcript itself, rather than at the top of the box left justified above the transcript.
Large size of transcript box causes it to wrap below video display on all but the largest monitors.
Tidied up and commented the modifications I've made to the search.php file, also adjusted the presentation of the search components in the GUI.
Finished abstracting all the text strings and included entries in each of the two lang files.
Removed "Table of Contents" tab from the Player page, as this project is not including and table of contents events in the data files.
Awaiting input from Catherine tomorrow on how to handle ages (vs stage-in-life) and other bits of data I need from her.
Finished approach I started yesterday, which is kludgy but successful.
Started on approach similar to Martin's in ScanCan where I return the entire documents and append one or more square-bracketed conditions based on settings in the GUI. Wrote the additional code to take those results and turn them into format expected by this site. That's now working.
Started on abstracting the text strings that I've added to the search page. Another hour or two should complete that.
I'll have to sit down with Catherine to confirm what values are going into the data files and then how to map from those to values to compare on the page. The page right now works on the value of the selected, which is currently an integer.
Struggling trying to figure out how to compose an xquery which will filter for each of up to five parameters passed in.
Read documentation on sequence operators and other features of xquery and tried them, but without success. Got some sample code from Martin where he assembles the query, used that as a model for my "for" and "where" assembling in php.
By end of day had an idea how to do it by assembling one "for" nodeset for each of the parameters and then and-ing one "where" line for each parameter with result that only the documents which match all the parameters get through. Seems remarkably kludgy.