For future reference
Came across something that might work in place of the QT-based player.
JW FLV Media Player 4.3
Player homepage and download:
API documentation:
get_events.php gets the data for a specified article from the eXist db. It then invokes events.xsl to transform that raw xml to create a new instance of the javascript variable movie and populate it. Here's a snippet from the xsl file that generates the necessary code for an utterance which has a who attribute. The particDesc of that utterer is assumed by this code to contain only a pers and persName element and the text in the persName element.
<xsl:when test="@who">
<!-- get the value of the who attribute, which as a pointer to an id begins with a #, and strip the # -->
<xsl:variable name="utterer" ><xsl:value-of select="translate(@who,'#','')"></xsl:value-of></xsl:variable>
<!-- get the text of the particDesc node (remember to use the tei namespace) whose id matches what's in utterer -->
<!-- this call works down through the pers and persName elements within that particDesc element, there are no other elements or text -->
<!-- for particDesc instances that have more complex internals, I'll need to be more explicit in that particDesc selector -->
<xsl:value-of select="id(@start)/../@xml:id"/>.addEvent('<xsl:value-of
select="id(@start)/@absolute"/>','<xsl:value-of select="id(@end)/@absolute"/>',
'utterance', '<div class="interviewer"><xsl:value-of
select="//tei:particDesc[@xml:id = $utterer]" /> : <xsl:apply-templates/></div>', '<xsl:value-of select="@start"/>');
Here's a snippet of the output for two utterances, the first if the who attribute of the utterance is empty and the second if the who attribute of the utterance has a value that points to a particDesc/pers/persName element containing the text "interviewer"
test1t1.addEvent('00:00:00.000','00:00:06.420','utterance', ' text here', 'test1u0');
test1t1.addEvent('00:00:06.420','00:00:18.260','utterance', '<div class="interviewer">interviewer: text here . </div>', 'test1u1');
CC asked if we could make it possible to identify who spoke each utterance. First case: interviewer and subject; case two: multiple subjects.
I will add a particdesc element with xml:id = "interviewer" and then a who="#interviewer" attribute to the u element in the data file. That's TEI.
The very major headache is trying to figure out how those utterances get into a javascript array where they are accessed by the page. I can't figure that out. My hope is to modify the xslt so that some css attributes change for utterances by the interviewer, and then for that to be passed through into the javascript array. I may experiment first with the code that winds up as the transcript of the whole dialog as it has it's own xslt file (transcript_in_div.xsl).