Work on AJAX
Posted by mholmes on 05 Mar 2007 in Activity log
Worked on the problems in Opera and Safari with the search page. The problems are:
- Opera fails to import the retrieved responseXML from the AJAX request into the page. It performs the retrieval, but apparently can't handle the proper importNode code which I've been trying to use in order to get around innerHTML.
- Safari inserts the XML correctly into the document, but apparently considers it to be XML rather than XHTML, so although links appear, they are not clickable, and you can't get to any of the documents your search retrieved.
- Konqueror behaves like Opera (at least, the oldish version of Konqueror I have).
The only solution I could find to all cases was to sniff those browsers and cause them to set the BadBrowser variable; when this is set, the script reverts to using innerHTML to set the content of the results div using the XMLHttpRequest's responseText property, rather than using proper DOM methods with responseXML. What this means is that no browser except for Firefox currently works properly in this regard. Nevertheless, Safari is close, and WebKit doesn't show the problems we have with Safari, so it seems that in future Safari and Konqueror may be off the BadBrowser list.
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Activity log.