Upload new files to loi account via personal account on home1t
I uploaded a file using Transmit to the home1t/sarneil folder
cantaloupe.hcmc.uvic.ca% pwd
cantaloupe.hcmc.uvic.ca% ls -al ToDo.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sarneil tapor 5691 Jun 10 14:52 ToDo.txt
cantaloupe.hcmc.uvic.ca% sudo su - loi
[sudo] password for sarneil:
su: warning: cannot change directory to /home/loi: No such file or directory
-bash-4.1$cp ToDo.txt ../loi/www/fb_dev/
-bash-4.1$ ls -al ../loi/www/fb_dev/ToDo.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 loi loi 5691 Sep 15 14:10 ../loi/www/fb_dev/ToDo.txt
To over-simplify a bit
- other than uploading and deleting the files, treat each of two Transmit windows as if they're read-only
- treat the terminal window treat it as if it has write but no read privileges
It's a pain to have to have numerous ftp and terminal windows open to the same directories, but with each logged in as different users (and keep track of which window is which user) in order to see, confirm and do even something as simple as this.