Update of schema, and plan to move to @style
Posted by mholmes on 18 Jan 2013 in Academic
I've edited the ODD file to take account of changes in the latest TEI, and built a new schema. Caught a few errors in the process, in the ODD and consequently in transcription files (usually bad @type values). Wrote to CC to see about finally merging the cab_sat fragment files into the transcriptions they belong in, and getting rid of them. I also fixed some odd spacing around @rend attributes, in preparation for the slightly complicated move from @rend to @style. I'll need to convert only those @rend values which contain a colon, and the XSLT will have to be updated in advance (preferably in such a way that it still handles CSS in @rend, although Schematron should help with trapping for that too).
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Academic.