Update from ES - June 28, 2012
1. ES recorded Maeva and edited her video (can be viewed by CC on Dropbox; also has been saved on POMME)
2. All new transcripts have now been entered on Oxygen and uploaded on FrancoToile21
3. ES is now reviewing all transcripts on FrancoToile21 to correct all possible mistakes, and identify potential technical problems. So far 4 files have been reviewed (accf1, ancf1, ancf2, cltf1). The following problems have been identified and reported to SA:
a. the space situated between a closing [ref] tag and an opening [ref] tag is automatically deleted.
b. the [title] tag does not work when inserted in the title of the video. For example, in sngl 1 and sngl2, the title of the films (which has been entered between [title] tags in Oxygen) does not display in the title of the videos. Also, the [title] tag does not display in italics when inserted in the description of the video. For example, in sngl 1 and sngl2, the title of the films (which has been entered between [title] tags on Oxygen) does not display in italics.
c. when an annotation goes over the [div] box of full transcript, a scroll down bar appears and interferes with the displaying of the annotation. Basically, it keeps flickering and it is impossible to read the content of the annotation. See the last annotation in full transcript of file accf1 to see this problem in action.
4. ES had a conversation with CC today. The next steps are to (a) correct the newly added transcripts on FrancoToile21 so that they can go live; (b) add the newly recorded and edited videos; (c) create and enter the transcripts on Oxygen for these new videos; (d) identify with CC the type of subjects that would be the most needed to expand the video database.