Title/Lot Stories now in repo
Posted by jtakeda on 17 Dec 2019 in Activity log
Following conversation with SA and MH, we've decided to take MH's story/lot outputs from the old build process into the repo and use those as a basis for creating new story/lot pages for the site.
Rather than create a large map for each title, we'll do the following:
- If a lot or a title has an associated story, then add a link from the page (i.e. title_202.html) to its associated story (title_202_story.html)
- The story page will include the map and a combined table of all the data associated with that story
I'm now in the process of creating these story pages (sans map) and it's fairly straightforward (though it still takes a bit longer than I'd like in the build process).
This entry was posted by jtakeda and filed under Activity log.