Swapped default theme, and created new stylesheet structure
We now have three "themes" for the site, which have been christened "Dijon" (a mustardy theme based on the default Ubuntu theme), "Roussillon" (similar but more gold/yellow in hue) and "Versailles" (the original based on muted blues and mauves). Claire prefers the Dijon, so we've made that the default.
We've also restructured the CSS on the site in preparation for a user-friendly style-switching page. Each page has a base CSS file which is one of:
Text documents from the collection supplement this with one more file:
This file adds special formatting for the text documents (stanzas, paragraphs, titles etc.).
Image markup documents have three supplementary files, one for each style:
Styleswitching in these files will have to switch both the base file and the supplementary file.
Greg is now working on the CSS. I've already constructed the imt_p5_1_dijon.css
file, and the imt_p5_1_versailles.css
file is the original version, so it's done; however, imt_p5_1_roussillon.css
will have to be configured correctly (basically a matter of switching some colours) before we start working on the style switching mechanism.
We envisage a page where you choose a style, which then sets a cookie and establishes a session variable. The session variable value can be passed into the various transformations and be used to set the default stylesheet.