Shutting down for a power outage this weekend
There'll be a campus-wide power outage on Sunday, so I've been unplugging everything in sight. Lab C is completely unplugged; Lab B has a class in it, and the CALL folks will handle shutting it down at the end of their day. All machines in R&D are unplugged, including printers, except my own machine, which I'll do last thing before I leave. The server room is a bit more problematic; here's a list of what I know about:
- Squash: no lab classes need it this afternoon, so I've shut it down through Terminal Services access.
- Chou: can't connect to it, and pinging it results in nothing, so I'm concluding it shut itself down at some point.
- Quince: Got the OK from Michael Joyce to shut it down, so it's off. Was able to log in through Putty, but the details in our documentation are wrong. Note to Greg: update the info.
- Idaho: I'll shut this down via SSH when I've done my backups for the day.
- Casper: doesn't seem to be running; no response to pings.
- Parsnip: I didn't really know anything about this server till I found it in the server room, but it seems to be the reborn Crossroads B -- presumably we don't need a Crossroads B, though, since the teacher stations can now run their own Crossroads? At any rate, nothing seemed to be running on it, so I shut it down.
- Machine handling video surveillance in ETCL: I have no idea what to do about this machine, and there are no instructions, so I'm leaving it running in case there are security implications from shutting it down. The UPS should bring it down gracefully when the time comes.
In the server room itself, I left the UPSes connected to the power; they're supposed to handle outages. Nothing else was plugged in except for a power bar supplying one of the KVMs, and I turned that off. Hope I've done all the right things here; we should really have some documentation on how to power off for outages in the server room.