Research Collective in Computer Mediated Comminication in the Humanities
Yesterday evening the Research Collective on computer mediated communication met for the first time. Present were Peter, Scott, Andrew Rippin, Claire Carlin, John Lutz, Ray Siemens, Catherine Caws, Marie Claude, Ulf Scheutze.
Ulf and Catherine convened the group in an effort to stimilate interest in research collective. The group determined no directions but
- discussed meaning of Computer mediated communication
- decided on a monthly meeting agenda
- agreed to provide discussion topics (theoritical) for next meeting
- agreed to have one showcase (coordinated with ours) yearly
- agreed to put forth a newletter once yearly
- agreed to expand group to other faculties
- Discussed having invited speakers
Action items included:
- creation of a listserv
- creation of a blog (which may take place within our own tool?)
Next meeting is Feb. 28th, Martin's Place, 6:30.
Any of you would be welcome to join us. Most particpants are language faculty. Right now theoretic discussion "salon" style seems to be the consensus. I put forth the idea of having a formal relationship with NWALL, and Peter suggested ways in which the HCMC could support the collective. There may be technical duties for certain events, but nothing has been determined yet.