Recording some decisions...
Posted by mholmes on 07 Mar 2007 in Activity log
...arising out of discussions with Greg and tests of his redesign of the site:
- We should take the JavaScript code used for note display in EMLS and re-purpose it for displaying notes in text documents, and teasers in the document index. The old system based on the target pseudo-class doesn't work reliably on Opera, and causes some jumping in other browsers. We can leave it in place, though, to handle the cross-document linking between notes in images and texts.
- The menu should be a single button which shows and hides a drop-down menu. This reduces clutter, and enables us to have the same menu on the image markup pages.
- Document titles, where they are too long, should ideally be replaced by an editor's preferred short title. However, in the meantime, we can truncate them more aggressively because you'll be able to click on them and see teasers.
- The links to various document formats can be removed from the table and put into the teasers instead. This will again reduce clutter (but it does require that teasers work on all browsers, so we must abandon the CSS-only approach).
- We should clean up the original images and the reduced-size versions, using Greg's GIMP procedure. They'll look much clearer.
- We need to have the look installed by the end of the week so that we can create posters and a handout based on it, for the Showcase.
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Activity log.