recaptcha php
I'm using invisible captcha on the form for the museum feedback to prevent spam attacks etc. On form submit the action is a php page which attempts to get_file_contents of the file containing the json object with the captcha info in it.
The problem is that the php.ini file we're relying on for php7 has allow_url_fopen = 0, and I haven't been able to figure out a way to override that in a local php.ini file.
So, I've instead in the .htaccess file I've setEnv UVPHP_VERSION 56, because the php.ini file for php5 has allow_url_fopen = 1. So the get_file_contents method works, so the captcha verification works, so the form submission works and no errors are thrown.
Obviously, if anything happens to cause us to use php7, we've got to solve this problem more elegantly. One possibility is to have javascript do the verification or