Re: Note moved
Posted by mholmes on 08 May 2007 in Activity log
The file validated just fine, so I uploaded it, but I noticed that since the note was placed after the end of the line-group, it didn't appear next to the word "confrèrie", which is where I assume it should go. I moved the note into the <l>
tag, immediately after "confrèrie", and the note now seems to appear in the right place. Let me know if this isn't what you want.
At the same time, I noticed that the stanzas were not separated by any space, so I've added a bottom margin to stanzas in the XHTML display. Again, if this looks wrong, let me know. I'm assuming that when there are stanzas in the markup, it's because there's a physical separation between the line-groups on the page.
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Activity log.