I installed Karmic on my iMac with relatively few problems, but audio was a bit of a hassle.
Turns out, I needed to edit the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file to include the following line:
options snd-hda-intel model=mbp3
I originally tried to add the option model=mbp3 to the existing options line, but it didn't take. When I added another options line with the model, it worked. (note: mbp3 means MacBookPro version 3)
Other choices that I tried were model=imac24 and model=auto. They didn't work, but I didn't try to add them on their own line.
Another option that I came across was 3stack-6ch, which apparently gives superior audio. No idea if it works.
I also have two mice: one Kensington Expert Mouse and one Apple Mighty Mouse. I want the Expert Mouse to be my main mouse. It must also be left-handed. After lots of searching I found that I should be able to create an FDI file that sorts it all out, but I swear it doesn't work. Here's what *did* work:
running "xinput list --short" got this back:
"Virtual core pointer" id=0 [XPointer]
"Virtual core keyboard" id=1 [XKeyboard]
"Kensington Kensington Expert Mouse" id=2 [XExtensionPointer]
"Built-in iSight" id=3 [XExtensionKeyboard]
"Microsoft Natural® Ergonomic Keyboard 4000" id=4 [XExtensionKeyboard]
"Sleep Button" id=5 [XExtensionKeyboard]
"Power Button" id=6 [XExtensionKeyboard]
"Video Bus" id=7 [XExtensionKeyboard]
"Microsoft Natural® Ergonomic Keyboard 4000" id=8 [XExtensionKeyboard]
"Power Button" id=9 [XExtensionKeyboard]
"Macintosh mouse button emulation" id=10 [XExtensionPointer]
"Mitsumi Electric Apple Optical USB Mouse" id=11 [XExtensionPointer]
I then ran this:
xinput set-button-map "Kensington Kensington Expert Mouse" 3 2 1 5 4 6 7 8
which *only* adjusts the buttons on the Expert Mouse, leaving the Apple Mouse alone.
Broken down, the 3 2 1 part swaps buttons 3 and 1 (bottom-left and bottom-right), while the 5 4 business reverses the scroll movement. I left the 6 7 8 bit alone, but as far as I can tell, there is no button that identifies itself as 6 or 7. Button 2 is the (physical)top-left button, and Button 8 is the (physical)top-right button. The current functionality of button 2 is to operate as the middle-click, which is fine with me.
Once happy with the arrangement I went to "Preferences->Startup Applications and added the xinput set-button-map bit (above) as a command (name it what you like) to run on Gnome startup. I'm not sure if this behaviour is available at the GDM...
NOTE: the string identifying my Expert Mouse contains 6 spaces, but this textarea doesn't want to display it.
Set up Griffin Powermate:
1) sudo aptitude install gizmod
2) Create input group and set up udev rule
sudo groupadd -f input
sudo gpasswd -a <username> input
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules
KERNEL=="event*", NAME="input/%k", MODE="660", GROUP="input"
KERNEL=="js*", NAME="input/%k", MODE="664", GROUP="input"
3)Autostart Gizomd for session
sudo gedit /etc/xdg/autostart/gizmo.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gizmo Daemon
Comment=Input mapping daemon
4)restart machine