Progress with OpenLayers
Posted by mholmes on 10 Sep 2015 in Activity log
- ol.Feature objects are being created with the outline colours from the XML files.
- Mousing over them lights them up temporarily.
- Clicking on them selects them (with the annoying OL click delay getting in the way, of course).
- The annotation is shown when the zone is clicked on.
- The page layout, metadata and heading are better organized to save space.
Found a lot of changes to OpenLayers, some bad (apparent bugs with setting properties in constructors), some confusing (ol.dom has disappeared), and some just a question of getting used to new ways of doing things. I'm using OL 3.9, and it's clear that MoEML would have to be rewritten considerably to work with it.
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Activity log.