Preventing OSX from storing .DS_store files on server shares
Posted by mholmes on 02 Mar 2009 in Activity log
The sad old operating system that is OSX has an annoying habit of littering hard drives with .DS_store files, and it even does this on network drives from other, non-OSX machines; these cause occasional stumbles in RSync operations, and also just get in the way and annoy the heck out of me. Finally I was bugged enough to find a solution. If you log in to the Mac with admin privileges and type this in a terminal:
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
then restart the Mac, the behaviour appears to be prevented. I haven't found a way to stop the Mac from doing it on the local drive, though.
Now if only I could find a way to make the menu and dialog boxes for every application show up on the same monitor that the application happens to be running on...