More progress with Corps des époux, and some site changes
Posted by mholmes on 19 Nov 2009 in Activity log
I've now marked up five pages of Corps des époux, and encountered more new features to document:
- The text requires linking to specific locations in texts in the anthology; in the cases I met today, these were page references inside Choliere (which is still not really in a state to be up on the server -- that's another matter). There was no way of doing this, but I've created one today: ever
tag which is@type="pageNum"
generates an XHTML @id attribute generated from its content, so you can now write a link like this:<ref target="xhtml.xq?id=choliere#p_82">
to link to page 82 of the Choliere. This will only work if there is such an<fw>
tag in the XML, and in cases where there are duplicate page numbers (as in the Amboise), only the first instance will get an id. Older and smaller documents that don't have explicit<fw>
tags usually have a<pb n="xx>
formulation, and these will not get ids and not be linkable. It may be that we therefore want to go back and mark up those documents appropriately; but if they're short it doesn't really matter, and if they're long, they're most likely going to get reworked anyway. - Blockquotes are common and some have biblio references at the end of them:
<cit rend="block"> <quote> Si toutes nos fringuantes, qui ont si grande envie de sçavoir aux despens de leur pucellage que c’est de s’acoupler avec le masle, estoient assubietties à la rigueur d’une telle loy … i’en tiens la plus-part si doüillettes qu’elles aimeroient mieux estre filles toute leur vie, qu’avec une si mal plaisante ceremonie commencer leurs nopçages… </quote> <bibl>(<ref target="xhtml.xq?id=choliere#p_83">p. 83</ref>)</bibl> </cit>
We also have a potential collision between our editorial notes and footnotes in original texts (the Cabinet Satyrique is the main case). After some discussion, I've changed editorial notes so that they show up looking like little buttons, leading to a popup, whereas original footnotes should be encoded in-place, as they originally looked (at the bottom of the page where they appear). The Fantastique Repentir will be the test case for this.
Changes haven't yet been migrated to the server, because it's a bit fragile; I have a brand-new stack for Mariage built with 1.4 stable, with a couple of extra tweaks, which I'm planning to deploy on Monday.