Material that needs to be added to teiHeader tag of IMT documents
Posted by mholmes on 15 Feb 2007 in Activity log, Tasks
Documents marked up using the IMT have minimal headers at the moment. These need to be expanded, with the addition of two different blocks of information:
The <publicationStmt> element needs to be fleshed out like this:
<publicationStmt><idno>arrest_contre_les_chastez.xml</idno> <publisher>Humanities Media and Computing Centre</publisher> <pubPlace> <address> <addrLine>University of Victoria</addrLine> <addrLine>B.C., Canada</addrLine> </address> </pubPlace> <date value="2004-08-20">20 August 2004</date> <availability status="free"> <p> Copyright 2004. This text is freely available provided the text is distributed with the header information provided. </p> </availability> </publicationStmt>
The second is the sourceDesc, which needs to contain at least one <biblStruct> element, for the original publication, and possibly more, for cases where they have been republished in later anthologies. This is an example:
<biblStruct> <monogr> <title>Sermon pour la consolation des cocus</title> <author><name>anon.<reg>anon.</reg></name></author> <imprint> <pubPlace>Paris</pubPlace> <date value="1624">1624</date> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct> <biblStruct> <analytic> <title>Sermon pour la consolation des cocus</title> <author><name>anon.<reg>anon.</reg></name></author> </analytic> <monogr> <title>Le Bibliophile fantaisiste ou choix de pièces désopilantes de rares</title> <imprint> <publisher>J. Gay et fils</publisher> <pubPlace>Turin</pubPlace> <date value="1869">1869</date> <biblScope type="pp">359-70</biblScope> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct>
Where dates are vague, we can use the precision attribute to specify certainty, and put a date range in the date tag content:
<date value="1670" precision="low">1650-1680</date>