Marked up the rest of the Godin article; biblio issues raised
This was an interesting process because it raised a number of issues that need to be addressed for teiJournal; we need a consistent, clear and simple approach to marking up quotations, citations and references, and working on ScanCan makes these problems more obvious.
The three articles I've marked up recently have a few online sources in the reference lists, something which didn't happen in Vol 15. This has raised a lot of questions, which I put to John. The online citation code is basically unchanged from ACH, so it's not consistent with Chicago, and we'll need to update it. I spent a lot of time reading the relevant bits of Chicago -- it's both complicated and vague, so there are lots of possible ways to approach the problem, but I think ScanCan references fit into the type B (bibliography) or R (Reference list in author-date style), which are pretty consistently similar. Chicago 17.237 is relevant for most of these informal online sources.
What we'll need to do is:
- Decide on a consistent policy for styling them.
- See if they can be made to come out that way just by marking them up in a particular configuration without changing the existing XSLT. If so, document the markup format.
- If not, decide on how to identify them (perhaps using the
type="WWW document"
designation on the title, which we used in ACH), and then figure out how to trap for that designation and invoke a different template or templates.