Posted by helenac on 28 Sep 2007 in Academic
I found some interesting commentary on the Lustucru character.
The article is :
Joan DeJean. "Violent Women and Violence against Women: Representing the "Strong" Woman in Early Modern France." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 2003, vol. 29, no. 1
The link is:
The goal of the article is to examine "the relation between violent women and violence against women... and to reflect on possible connections between images and reality". It's all very interesting (the author addresses the frondeuses/amazones and the précieuses) but Lustucru is discussed about halfway along, around Fig. 8. She even speaks to some of the gravures that we are working on : "opération céphalique", "la grande déstruction" etc.
This entry was posted by helenac and filed under Academic.