Lab B teacher station problem
Posted by jnazar on 21 Jul 2008 in Announcements
Monday, July 21: 9:30 am – LMF class; MR instructor
Concern: Teacher's console / monitor / frozen blank screen;
Sending CD content to student machines
1. Instructor powered up Sanako,
2. Teacher’s monitor showed grey screen with small white screen displayed in center. Screen frozen.
3. Managed to return to desktop.
4. Performed successful shut down.
5. Powered back up ok but slowly.
6. Returned to Sanako screen, monitor “jumped” back to desktop screen on its own.
7. Clicked on Sanako icon on desktop, Sanako slowly returned, however, it “jumped” back to desktop.
8. Repeated same steps and on 3rd try managed to get Sanako to remain on screen.
Instructor reported unable to send CD contents to student machines.
This entry was posted by Judy and filed under Announcements.