Isolation log week 82
Isolation log week 82
Work done from home and in the office 2021-11-08 to 2021-11-12 (4-day week)
Total: 28.00 hours
Monday 2021-11-08
0.50 hours: Update Jenkins servers (kernel updates required testing and reboots).
1.00 hours: TEI: Meeting with SB, working on getting the P5 build to pass.
3.00 hours: Scancan: Completed the XML for OJS ingestion, and began the process of testing it; appears not to work when linking to remote files, so I may need to get the whole package installed on the UofA filesystem, but still waiting from clues from the OJS forum.
0.25 hours: Maint: Starting the process of getting a Compute Canada id (need sponsorship from JJ); testing and reporting to teams on connectivity issues for campus.
2.50 hours: VIHistory: Set up build process and elementary stats for investigating the PGSQL dump data, which seems less extensive than expected.
Total: 7.00 hours
Tuesday 2021-11-09
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.00 hours: Scancan: Another failed attempt to get the docker container for the UofA OJS version running to do some local testing of XML imports. It looks like all 3.x versions of the docker container are still broken (since December last year, I think). Asked SS for info on how to package my stuff so they can put it on the file system to test directly on the test journal they've set up for this purpose.
2.00 hours: HCMC Staff Meeting.
2.00 hours: VIHistory: More work on stats and diagnostics, discussions with GN on HISCO mappings, and a few questions sent to PD on the discrepancies across censuses.
1.00 hours: Wendat: Project meeting and follow-up.
1.00 hours: ColDesp: Restructured home page on PS's instructions to enable new design layout. Did some testing and proofing, and sent some possible edits to KSS.
0.25 hours: Rebuilding Graves with latest staticSearch, and testing.
Total: 7.50 hours
Wednesday 2021-11-10
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.25 hours: Checking and testing GN's new static MoM site.
0.25 hours: Moses: More discussion on stemming and diacritics for the static site, and an XPath query to answer a question from SK.
1.75 hours: Graves: Figuring out last night's build break and reporting symptoms as staticSearch issue (looks like it was caused by an old Saxon in the main build getting used by the staticSearch code). Then rewrote some JS which was dropping popups offscreen on scrolled pages; now fixed.
2.00 hours: Wendat: Working on 4 Teams tickets, including auto-generated mapping document that should help with linking morphemes in ML's dissertation citations to the reconstruction data entries, reorganizing files, and adding a new @type valList to both the TEI and custom project schema note elements.
1.75 hours: VIHIstory: Expanded the stats/diagnostic page and created a build process around it, which will eventually be the static search page build. Jenkins is now building it.
0.75 hours: DVPP/Maint: Trying to resolve SVN conflicts resulting from campus connectivity issues over the weekend.
Total: 7.00 hours
Friday 2021-011-12
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.50 hours: VIHistory: Solving the puzzle of family ids, and sending another q to GN and PD; setting up a preprocess file to build unique family ids, in anticipation of many more such fixes.
1.00 hours: MoEML: Implementing sb: prefix, associated Schematron and processing; adding an example provided by JJ. Now waiting for build to complete to check.
2.00 hours: LEMDO: Reconfiguration of the conversion XSLT so that it's possible to supply all required params for processing either at the command line or in Oxygen.
0.25 hours: Scancan: Correspondence with UofA team re import XML, which they're test-running for me.
0.50 hours: DVPP: Merged latest db data and updated TEI metadata for Chambers, Chartist and Cornhill.
1.00 hours: Endings/staticSearch: Debugging a build problem with Graves, which looks like something we can't fix in a straightforward way for staticSearch builds invoked from within other builds, but which is easy to work around.
Total: 6.50 hours