Implementing TOC intros, tidying up code
Created a new collection called "intros" and a document called intros.xml, which has the introductions for the three tables of contents. This is marked up and rendered such that the larger part of it is initially hidden, and revealed by clicking on a link. Cleaned up the menus a little by removing dates.
I need to implement the code for popping up biblio references in response to a click; there's one example in one of the intros which will do as a testbed, and the code should then carry over to the article rendering when I get to that.
I've also normalized all the <classCode>
values, which have been in flux from the beginning, such that they're comma-separated values (for the moment), including "roman", "fiction", "prose", "vers", "satire" and "gravure", in various combinations as suits the document. This may need revisiting, as will the search page Genre drop-down, which uses distinct values from this element; it should use distinct values from the comma-separated whitespace-normalized fragments, so that you could search just on "prose" or "vers".