Implemented gaiji markup plan
I've added the required tagging to billet_doux.xml, which has five odd abbreviations of two different types, and implemented the XSLT and CSS to render it as planned. I'm now waiting for textual descriptions in French from CC of the individual symbols, then I'll make the same changes to the other four files which contain the abbreviations.
In the process, I had to modify the schema, which I did using Roma 2, starting from the previous ODD file (mariage_2011_02.odd), and simply adding the gaiji module and a couple of other things. That seemed to work fine, except for the file forest_nuptiale.xml, which was showing validation errors on the @rend attribute when it appears in argument. This was weird, because exactly the same structures validated fine in other files. After some work comparing files, I discovered that the forest_nuptiale.xml file had this declaration:
<?oxygen RNGSchema="../../mariage.rng" type="xml"?>
while other files such as le_bon_mariage.xml had this:
<?oasis-schema href="../../mariage.rng" type="application/xml"?>
Changing to the oasis-schema declaration made the file valid for some reason. Weird, but worth noting in case it crops up again. Other files have combinations of both schema declarations. I should clean up those inconsistencies.