Getting QT Creator working
Posted by mholmes on 10 Aug 2009 in Activity log
At home, I got QT creator working with no problem at all, but installing on the work machine had a couple of glitches; first, I'd forgotten which of a list of libraries I'd installed prior to installing QT, so I sent myself that list from home; then when starting the app, it thought the examples were not installed (couldn't solve this, but I can still open all the examples manually, so no worries); and finally, trying to compile an app resulted in an error stating that no default QT version was set, so I had to go into the Tools / Options dialog, add a new QT version, and browse to the directory /home/mholmes/qtsdk-2009.03/qt
, which it identified as QT 4.5.2. After setting this as the default version, example apps compile and run OK.
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Activity log.