Gaps feature request
How will we render gaps in the text? There are several lacunas that are currently not expressed in in the website. I will check in the copy I have so see what they do, but we need something there because it seriously affects the meaning of certain passages and the flow of the text.
Here's an example of one such gap:
he returned with his army <note anchored="true" resp="#ed"
>He was met by a Peloponnesian army at the Isthmus of <placeName corresp="places.xml#corinth"
>Corinth</placeName> and there defeated and slain in single combat by <name type="character"
corresp="characters.xml#echemus">Echemus</name>, king of <placeName
corresp="places.xml#tegea">Tegea</placeName>. Then, in virtue of a treaty which they had
concluded with their adversaries, the <name type="group" corresp="groups.xml#heraclids">Heraclids</name> retreated to <placeName
corresp="places.xml#attica">Attica</placeName>and did not attempt the invasion of <placeName
corresp="places.xml#peloponnese">Peloponnese</placeName>again for fifty years. See
<bibl>Diod. 4.58.1-5</bibl>; <bibl n="Paus. 8.5.1">Paus. 8.5.1</bibl>. These events may have
been recorded by Apollodorus in the lacuna which follows.</note><gap/> of <name
type="character" corresp="characters.xml#hercules">Hercules</name>