From work log during week 7 of working from home (2020-04-27 to 2020-05-01): + 4 hours.
Category: "G&T Hours"
From work log during week 6 of working from home (2020-04-20 to 2020-04-24): + 2.5 hours.
From work log during week 5 of working from home (2020-04-14 to 2020-04-17): + 2 hours.
From work log during week 4 of working from home (2020-04-06 to 2020-04-10): + 2 hours.
From work log during week 3 of working from home (2020-03-30 to 2020-04-03): + 2 hours.
From work log during first two weeks of working from home (2020-03-16 to 2020-03-27): + 2 hours.
In first thing, here till late. Pushing forward with the Despatches static build, with other projects piling up in the meantime.
In early, stayed late: trying to get Despatches static build working by the end of the week.
In early and stayed late, working on the place maps in Despatches.
In late due to dental appointment.