Initial posting of CTO carried over from 2006=44 hrs.
Category: "G&T Hours"
January 9, 2007
January 8, 2007
Cocoon refused to come up after a tomcat crash. I spent 3.5 hours on Sunday night (7:30pm to 11pm) working on it (with Operations staff). I appears as though there were corrupted libs (or conf files) which caused initialization of Cocoon to fail. Further details here.
CTO carryover from 2006.
edit: fixed typo from original post.
Backup from stewscube to idaho taking longer than expected, probably because I rearranged a large number of files on StewsCube just before Christmas (Greg noticed that in his testing). Monitored progress (the mailbox files are very slow relatively) as long as I could while doing email etc.
Left early to get to the bank, and to try to run down my CTO a bit.
I'll be out of the office on the following days to attend sessions for the Project Management program I'm taking this spring:
Tue 20 Feb
Thr 08 Mar
Fri 09 Mar
Mon 02 Apr
Fri 13 Apr
Mon 30 Apr
Fri 11 May
Mon 28 May
Fri 08 Jun
Mon 25 Jun
I'll use my CTO balance to cover this as far as possible - I have enough in my balance right now to cover it.
As of start of year 2007, I have 70.5 hours CTO accumulated.
December 21, 2006
Left an hour early to use up a bit of CTO.
December 20, 2006
This is my initial post, showing the 43 hours of overtime I currently have on my tab. The last few years of CTO is exhaustively documented in my work logs (which will be superceded by this blog system in 2007).