future developments map + new codebase
Met with CC on future of FrancoToile, which has just obtained a SSHRC grant.
The single long list of subjects is getting unwieldy. Discussed using a map interface to allow users to select which subject they want to see. We'll probably also create a tabular representation allowing people to sort by various attributes. Map will be based on what Greg's done for GRS - which we're also going to use for Medieval.
She's going to do some useability tests on the search interface, report back and then I'll look into making the search engine a little more sophisticated.
She hopes to have significant enough modifications to present at EUROCALL 2011.
In discussing with Greg and Martin, we're considering a rewrite from the current php-based front-end to a cocoon based front-end.
We'd also like to support more video formats than the current quicktime (e.g. Flash as well).
Once we've got the map going, we can use that interface for more than simply looking people up. We can use it to display the locations of people with specified attributes etc.