eXist tip for myself: serving files from outside the current controller context
Posted by mholmes on 11 Sep 2013 in Announcements
Two ways to serve up static files that are not in the context of the controller.xql:
if (contains($currentUri, 'pix/')) then <dispatch xmlns="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist"> <forward absolute="no" url="{concat('/../data/pix/', $exist:resource)}"/> </dispatch>
if (contains($currentUri, 'graphics/')) then <dispatch xmlns="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist"> <forward absolute="yes" url="{concat('/rest/db/data/graphics/', substring-after($currentUri, 'graphics/'))}"/> </dispatch>
This is commonly used when e.g. the site logic and controller are in /db//site (which may be mapped to a subdomain), controlled by admin, while the content needs to be controllable by editors (so it's in e.g. a /db/data). I've had to re-figure this out a couple of times, so I'm blogging it for future reference.
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Announcements.