Created hand-crafted map
From the existing TEI, built a map for a specific dataset that shows the sequence of titles with rising prices for JC property that was seized. JSR now wants to add plans to the picture, so I've started to build a transformation that works from the GML of the plan files to create GeoJSON; that would give us one map per plan, with all the child lots, which could be linked to their titles. The current issue I'm wrestling with is that the numbers for coordinates are a bit too large for the XSLT to handle, so some of them end up being transformed into exponential notation. It looks like I'll have to try to figure out some way to call an external function to convert all the numbers to WGS84 first. Not sure how to do that; may have to work from the GeoJSON files I've already created, and use Node/Proj4 to do it. In any case, I'm using the XSLT 3 JSON reading-and-writing functionality, so it should be possible to transform the GeoJSON and then use that as the source for the GML, perhaps; then transform that GML.