Cover for volume 19
It's not quite clear yet what will go on the cover, and the precise year is not clear (2010, or 2009-2010?), but I've made a start on the cover for volume 19. I'm basically working from these instructions, but I did find a much easier way to extract the TOC pages from the main PDF for insertion into the cover, using GhostScript on Linux:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAVER -dFirstPage=5 -dLastPage=5 -sOutputFile=master_vol_19_toc_1.pdf master_vol_19.pdf gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAVER -dFirstPage=6 -dLastPage=6 -sOutputFile=master_vol_19_toc_2.pdf master_vol_19.pdf
I was then able to combine the two TOC pages into one, following my own instructions from before, and import it into the cover in Illustrator on Windows (which I'm still using, sadly, because my template is all set up there).
I calculated the spine width at 0.82 inches this time, much bigger than previously, because there are so many pages this time. I've re-jigged everything appropriately. HT's name has been removed from the cover because of the absence of reviews in this edition. The only thing still outstanding is a decision on the date; once that's fixed, I may have to re-do all the TOC stuff, because the date's included in there too, or possibly just the cover content if it's 2010. The former will be easier because the cover content has knockouts, which are tricky.