Corrections required on Sonnet texts
Posted by mholmes on 21 Apr 2009 in Activity log
From LSPW, looking at the two Sonnet texts on the site:
- After the title page of both sonnets, there should be a blank page. In the 1621, there is one, but the blank page is missing from the 1609.
- Italic font style was used to transcribe the "Epistre" part in the dedications of the 1609 text but the rest of the text shows up in normal text that is not stylized as it is in the 1621. However, in comparing the facsimiles, the font could still be considered to be in italic style all the way through. We should change this in the xml to reflect this.
- In the 1609, many of the capital letters starting off a new paragraph are too far off in the left margin. These include lines 273, 301, 322, 343, 377, 432, 454, 477, 499, 648 in the xml.
- The 1609 title "SATYRE MENIPPEE." (line 699 of the xml) where the actual sonnet begins is not centred and the word "SATYRE" should be above the word "MENIPPEE".
- In the form work of the 1609 version, in the header there's a space after each letter to reflect the style as seen in the fascimile. For instance, instead of writing "SATYRE" we have "S A T Y R E". This should be done for the 1621 as well.
- On page 19 and 21 of the 1609 (there are other pages as well), the phrases "LE SAN-GVIN." (lines 1239-1240) and "LA FLEG-MATI-QVE." (lines 1262-1264) appear on the left when they should be on the right.
- If you look at page 18 of sonnet 1621 on the website, there is text on the left margin that shouldn't be there. There must be something wrong with the xml but I don't know how to fix it so I'll leave it to you.