Changes to the document list
I've been a bit unhappy with the way the document list looks, so I revisited it today. For the ScanCan project, I've written a Java sort comparator which ignores leading articles when sorting text strings. This seems a promising approach for our document list, so I added French articles to the mix, and tested it. You have to allow for the following prefixes (quotes included to show spaces):
- "THE "
- "A "
- "AN "
- "LE "
- "LA "
- "LES "
- "L'"
- "L’"
remembering to include both varieties of apostrophe. I'm assuming I shouldn't be allowing for "un" and "une" -- correct me if I'm wrong!
Right now, the output just SORTS according to these rules; it doesn't remove or move the leading article from its place. If this were an English project, I would add code to the XSLT to complement this, so that the article would be removed to the end of the title, like this:
The Unfortunate Traveller becomes Unfortunate Traveller, The.
I don't know whether this is commonly done in French, or what the rules are for doing it, so I've refrained for the moment.
I also added a class "EvenRow" to the even-numbered rows of the output table, so that CSS can be used to give the rows an alternating background colour; this will make it easier to disentangle the documents visually. Greg is adding the colours to the stylesheets now.