Changes to site layout and functionality
Posted by mholmes on 25 Nov 2009 in Activity log
I've made the following changes this morning:
- The Table of Contents has smaller text, making room for two new columns (Date and Author).
- The new columns, like the old ones, are now click-sortable.
- Fixed the original document title header in the table, which was in English ("Title"), and is now "Titre".
- Made the date column append a question mark to the date when it's uncertain, and show the date range as a tooltip when you mouse over it.
- Titles in the list are now linked directly to the HTML rendering.
- Teasers now show up when you mouse over the title, and disappear when you mouse away.
- The links to XML and Text views of documents now appear in the XHTML view of the document.
Some slight inconsistencies are revealed by the new layout, which in the case of text documents, Leanna and Lauren could fix; for image markup, I'll make changes on CC's instructions:
- Some documents have no author. That's because they have no
element in the author name -- example from Candale 1:<sourceDesc> <biblStruct> <monogr> <author> <name>anonyme. </name> </author> [...]
Actually we need to do two things here: standardize the form on "Anon.", and include it in a<reg>
tag as well:<sourceDesc> <biblStruct> <monogr> <author> <name>Anon. <reg>Anon. </reg> </name> </author>
- Two documents have no date (Opérateur céphalique and Le taste-poule). Claire, if you can give me approximate or exact dates for those, I can add them.
- The Sonnet de Courval texts have the same regularized form for the name as the non-reg form:
<name>Sonnet de Courval, Thomas <reg> Thomas Sonnet de Courval</reg></name>
I think it should be:<name>Sonnet de Courval, Thomas <reg>de Courval, Thomas Sonnet</reg></name>
or maybe:<name>Sonnet de Courval, Thomas <reg>Courval, Thomas Sonnet de</reg></name>
Claire, which do you prefer? (In both cases, it should sort according to the C, when I've got the sorting thing working properly.) - Some names are inconsistently rendered (Le Pautre in one document, versus Lepautre in another).
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Activity log.