changes to Francotoile
Posted by ccaws on 26 Aug 2010 in Activity log
Met with SA yesterday to follow up on changes to site. We agreed on the following:
1. Homepage: have the picture change at every click instead of once a day. I will provide a series of picture (free of copyright) to be used for database.
2. Browse page: a. Use Google map to reorganize the videos. Video would be placed according to the origin of the speaker. A box (activated by a mouse over) would add key info to help users decide whether this is the video they wish to select.
3. Authentication will not be required again once users entered the site.
4. Quick time: once users have selected QuickTime, they do not need to save the preference again.
5. Transcript box: always on the right side.
6. Search page: ease look-up functions. Use the * to allow users to llok for part of a word. explain on page.
7. About page: Cc will write text to be included here, including all the credits, and so on. Will send to SA for revision and inclusion in the site.
8. Video box: will hire a student to work on interface design, box around video, and icons to replace words.
This entry was posted by ccaws and filed under Activity log.